Guestology 2.0: customer service powerhouse


Since 2013 School for Butlers and Hospitality trains organisations worldwide in welcoming guests, etiquette and customer experience. Guestology 2.0 takes it steps further.

It is a breakthrough methodology designed by Vincent Vermeulen, the founder and director of the school. This strategy gives organisations practical tools to implement hospitality and service so that teams come together, no matter the industry.

In 6 steps, the system leads to a serviceculture that is warm and hospitable. No more vague philosophies about how your team can be more friendly or more empathic. Only results.

> The book is coming April 2022

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  • The 3 things that are not working in traditional trainings today:
  • After a few weeks participants forget up to 60% of the content
  • Only 1 out of 10 companies have documented their service culture
  • There are no tools to take back to the floor after the training
  • The 6 steps system will give these results
  • Your team will keep applying the techniques
  • Hospitality is adapted to your DNA, completely bespoke
  • We teach you the right skills for the right industry
  • Everything is documented for a solid future
  • Topservice will be provided autonomously
  • For who is this?
  • For every organisation that welcomes guests, members, patients, visitors, customers, clients or passengers
  • For corporations willing to make the difference
  • For employees who want to feel better at the end of the day

Practical information

Time to take the first step

There is no company in the world who wànts to offer bad service. There are only companies who know how to do it and those who don’t.

  • Personal information

Some of our satisfied corporate customers