Here is a list of the books that every butler should read. I always say that training never sleeps. It’s like a great sportsman, every day you have to hone your skills.
The profession of butler asks you to be skilled in many different traits. You need to be a cook, a manager, a professional and even a marketeer.
I have selected for you seven books which we feel you should have read. You think I’m going to recommend to all sorts of books on wines, service also over where. Then you’ve got it wrong. Being a butler is all about personality. It’s about stretching yourself. It’s having that hunger for knowledge.
The first one is not actually a book. It’s an audio book. I discovered this one in 2002 while stopping for gas. In those days it were audio cassettes. I read the short synapsis and decided to buy it. The tape takes about one hour and since then I have listened to it at least 100 times, if not more.
What’s it about ?
It’s about 50 minutes of a seminar Anthony Robbins held. In this small hour you will discover techniques you can use as a butler. Especially the part about taking action and realising that there is no failure, only outcomes.
Why should butlers read this ?
Most importantly to transfer some of these ideas to your team. When domestic staff feel good, they perform good. Actually like in any other business. It can really give you momentum and some very simple techniques which are very powerful. You will benefit from it for a long time… if you apply it.
I have always regarded Ms Starkey as one of the pioneers in our profession. The other would be Ivor Spencer OBE. Mr Spencer ( actually started one of the first butler schools in the world. In the old days you couldn’t attend a butlerschool, since the job was learned from father to son and mostly on the estate where the father was working.
If Mr Spencer is responsible for creating the first butler school. I would consider Ms Starkey to be the first to document it in a very thorough way. From her many publishings, I chose this one.
What’s it about ?
It is a very good overview of how to organise a household on the administrative level. Some of it may be outdated at the time of writing this article but the foundation still stands strong.
Why should butlers read this ?
Because I feel that the job of a butler is much more than cleaning silver and waiting on people with white gloves. The families of 21st century are so busy that we need to change the game of running a household as butler, household manager or whatever you want to call it. You should be on top of your game in terms of inventories, damage logs and HR related things.
Brian Tracy is an authority in self development. His many books and seminars around the world have helped many people to live richer lives.
What’s it about ?
The never-ending making of excuses by a lot of people in any kind of industry or stage of life. In School for Butlers and Hospitality we have a technique we learn our students: “never explain, never complain”. This is actually an old rule the British Royals swear by. In short it means taking responsibility for your actions, not pointing fingers at others and anticipating any possible outcome.
Why should butlers read this ?
I think this one is self explanatory. Not only you but definitely your team can learn from this. Instead of coming up with excuses why there is no more champagne in the fridge, they will need to think on how to avoid this in the future.
Butlers reading this article and working in a family all by themselves will very much understand why I selected this one. There are many books out there regarding time management, but not one like this one.
What’s it about ?
It’s not really about controlling time but more about controlling events in your life. The bulk of all time management systems, such as GTD, are very practical. But this one has a planning system that takes into account your personal values. You can also add the values of the family you are working for.
Why should butlers read this ?
You can never be too organised. Since this system also focuses on your values, your goals in life, it’s helps you focus on your careerpath. On the things which are important in your life. Not only work. You might have a goal to make a trip with your family or finally buy that motorbike. Strangely enough, this system lets you do that.
This is a classic in the butler world. It is a first hand experience journey. It combines real life stories, interesting tips and how to’s.
What’s it about?
The author and his wife worked in domestic staff and decided to write down their findings in this book. You will read stories of serving people on the beach but equally find out how to care for certain luxury products.
Why should butlers read this ?
It is a great comparison of how our profession is changing. How technology and speed of communication have a great effect on what we do daily.
This book doesn’t need any introduction. Truth be told, I received a first edition not so long ago. It dates back to 1922. What a great read.
What’s it about ?
Obviously it is about etiquette. Social, business and dining etiquette. You can find many things you maybe are not sure of. In fact etiquette is there to make you more comfortable in certain situations. Of course, the more formal the event, the less certain you might feel.
Why should butlers read this ?
Again to be fully confident in all sort of situations. You are there to support your principal with your knowledge of etiquette. A duke is referred to as your grace, a baron as my lord. So from now on you never need to hesitate and say ‘sir’.
Tim Ferriss debuted with “the 4 hour work week”. An international bestseller. His next book tools of titans is actually a series of interviews he held with famous, less famous but all very successful people.
What’s it about ?
The interviews you can read with people such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Thiel (VC investor) and Seth Godin. You might say now: who? Trust me, these people have made it and they share their secrets, routines and habits with you in this book.
Why should butlers read this ?
You are never too old to learn. You can steal any of these techniques in all fields of life. Whether it be personal, professional or later on in life. Again, you can apply some of these techniques on your team as well and maybe even on your principal.